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Smartphones more complex than netbooks

26 февраля 2009

Performing a detailed teardown of netbooks, and then comparing them with recent smartphones from Apple and HTC yields some pretty interesting results. It is clear that as netbook makers are succeeding in their drive to bring costs down, with the non-memory related IC die area and component count in an Asus Eee PC well below the figures seen in a typical laptop.

The surprise, however, is in the fact that a netbook is actually less complex than that of high-end smartphones such as Apple's popular iPhone. In fact, using the progression of the original iPhone and the iPhone 3G as a gauge, smartphones are actually heading towards higher complexity and component count.

The report from the EE Times concluded, "Netbooks and smart phones occupy adjacent niches, but they will not truly compete head-to-head until the form-factor differential and the discrepancies in power consumption are reduced or eliminated."

Источник: FierceMobileIT

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