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Adobe, Nokia team for $10 Million Open Screen Project fund

25 февраля 2009

Handset giant Nokia and software provider Adobe Systems announced a $10 million fund designed to spur development of applications and services for mobile, desktop and consumer electronics devices using Adobe's Flash Platform.

The new fund is an outgrowth of the Open Screen Project, an industry-wide initiative promising to create a more consistent runtime experience across a variety of screens. Developers are invited to submit concepts for applications that are based on the Adobe Flash Platform, will run on Nokia products and will operate across multiple devices. Applications will be judged according to their innovative and compelling user experiences, robustness and exploitation of the capabilities and features of Nokia devices, Adobe Flash and Adobe AIR.

Projects submitted for Open Screen Fund support will be reviewed by a group of multi-screen application and services experts from partners including Adobe and Nokia. Focus areas include entertainment, social networking, productivity, gaming, news and information. Developers will retain all rights to their applications as Adobe and Nokia evaluate, test and promote the content. Adobe says close to 40 percent of all new mobile devices released in 2008 shipped with Flash Lite, and there are now more than 300 million Flash-enabled devices on the market.

Источник: FierceDeveloper

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