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Cutting the hype: how to build a sustainable future for mobile broadband

24 февраля 2009

Simon Beresford-Wylie, chief executive of Nokia Siemens Networks, outlined how operators can build a sustainable future for mobile broadband despite the company’s expectation that mobile data traffic growth will outstrip revenues 100-fold between now and 2015. 

Beresford-Wylie outlined the company’s view in his keynote speech to delegates at the 2009 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.


”Now, more than ever before, we must engage with each other openly to ensure the business case exists to support investment in mobile broadband,” Beresford-Wylie said. “Only with the right regulatory environment, coupled to a healthy industry ecosystem, and an obsession with extreme efficiency can we prosper.


Between now and 2015, Nokia Siemens Networks expects mobile data traffic to grow 300-fold, but with just a 3-fold growth in mobile data revenues. To support future investment in mobile broadband, Beresford-Wylie outlined are five key priorities for both itself and mobile telecom operators:


  • Ensuring “extreme efficiency” in network design, construction and management;
  • Retaining existing value – the customers – operators already have;
  • Cutting through the hype to find real incremental new revenue opportunities;
  • A policy and regulatory environment that encourages investment in advanced, productivity-enhancing, broadband technologies and networks; and,
  • A healthy industry ecosystem.

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