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FTTH Europe: ECI Bags GPON Deal

19 февраля 2009

ECI Telecom Ltd. has found a foothold in the growing European GPON market with a deployment at one of the region's most ambitious telcos, Latvian incumbent Lattelecom Group. 

The news is interesting for two reasons. One, it's a reference customer for ECI's recently launched GPON platform, the F152, which, by housing a network processor on each linecard, has an architectural approach different from that of many other GPON platforms.

Second, Lattelecom has some bold targets for bandwidth delivery. Only a few weeks ago it announced its intention to offer downstream connections of up to 500 Mbit/s by the end of 2009, and eventually provide customers with downlink speeds of up to 10 Gbit/s.

Источник: http://communicationsdirectnews.com

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