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Gilat Satellite Provides Service for a Higher Calling

06 февраля 2009

It's no small task to provide telecommunications to Nepal, a country with a population of nearly 30 million with some very remote locations. Enter — Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. and the news of its selection by Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd. (TCIL) to provide Nepal Telecom (Nepal Doorsanchar Nigam Ltd.) with a SkyEdge broadband satellite communications network that covers hundreds of sites.

Nepal Telecom will use the new VSAT network to deliver broadband Internet connectivity to remote areas and to provide toll-quality telephony to rural citizens, meeting its Universal Service Obligations.

Nepal Telecom has also chosen Gilat's SkyAbis cellular backhaul solution to extend the range of GSM and CDMA services for Nepal's cellular operators. Gilat's SkyAbis is a prepackaged solution for cellular backhaul, based on the SkyEdge multi-service platform. The solution enables operators to deploy hybrid networks that extend the reach of their terrestrial and cellular infrastructure to remote communities. SkyAbis features traffic optimization and dynamic bandwidth allocation for CDMA/GSM backhaul, with much higher space-segment efficiencies when compared to SCPC.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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