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Users now sending trillions SMS a day

05 февраля 2009

Subscribers are sending more than 2 trillion mobile messages per day worldwide according to new research published by market analysis firm In-Stat.

The report notes text messaging remains operators' most profitable data service, with consumers that use mobile messaging also consuming significantly more voice minutes than overall survey respondents. In-Stat adds U.S. subscribers who embrace messaging are also more likely to pay up to 25 percent more for their handsets than all respondents.

"SMS may be a basic, cheap technology, but it still has much life as a MNO cash cow," said In-Stat VP of mobile Internet research Frank Dickson in a prepared statement. "The keys to SMS profitability are its ease-of-use, inexpensive price tag, global reach, and increased reliability as infrastructure development increases in more rural global regions. In developed areas, however, it has become increasingly important for mobile operators to find ways to enhance and personalize the SMS service offering."

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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