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Mobile technology - key evolutions for 2009/2010

04 февраля 2009

The marketing research firm Gartner has identified eight mobile technologies it believes will evolve significantly over the next 12 to 24 months. The firm believes companies developing a mobile strategy need to be aware of this pace of evolution and adjust their short-term plans and policies accordingly.

In summary, Gartner claims:
  • The specification release of Bluetooth 3.0 will happen in 2009 and will enable many new mobile devices to be connected.
  • Mobile User Interfaces will become an intense area for competition with vendors positioning their UIs to differentiate their handsets and platforms.
  • Location awareness will make mobile applications more powerful and useful, making location technology a key component of contextual applications.
  • 802.11n boosts Wi-Fi data rates to between 100Mbps and 300Mbps, with MIMO offering the potential for better coverage and likely making .11n a long-term standard.
  • Mobile displays will be impacted by several new technologies, including active pixel displays, passive displays and pico projectors.
  • Mobile Web and Widgets will emerge as a low-cost way to deliver simple mobile applications to a range of devices.
  • HSPA is starting to provide adequate connectivity to replace Wi-Fi hot spots. The availability of mature chipsets will promote further uptake of Netbooks with built-in cellular modules.
  • NFC is emerging as a leading standard for applications such as mobile payment and will provide a simple and secure way for handsets to communicate over distances of a centimetre or two.

Источник: FierceWireless

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