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iPhone game development grows longer, more complex

29 января 2009

Despite the relative infancy of iPhone game development, projects are already becoming more ambitious and trending towards longer production cycles, according to a new study issued by information services provider Think Services' Game Developer Research division.

Based on findings from close to 150 current iPhone developers, the report states that the number of games in one- to three-month development cycles dropped from 61 percent of completed projects to 41 percent of in-development projects, while the number of games in four- to six-month development cycles rose from 25 percent of completed projects to 47 percent of in-development efforts.

Game Developer Research adds that 53 percent of iPhone game developers are still working on projects earmarked for the popular puzzle and word game category, down from 62 percent of developer who've worked on completed puzzle and word titles. Eleven percent of respondents have worked on completed strategy games, with 15 percent planning strategy titles--another 11 percent have wrapped up projects in the narrative-intensive adventure game genre, while 21 percent are planning such titles.

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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