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IIA Unveils Wiki-Like Online Broadband Info Source

29 января 2009

The Internet Innovation Alliance now is hosting the “IIA Broadband Fact Book,” a comprehensive online resource featuring “hundreds of broadband facts and statistics from more than 60 studies published over the past two years.”

“Informed policy makers make the best policy,” says Bruce Mehlman, IIA’s co-chair. “We have assembled the most current comprehensive list of facts and stats on broadband to aid government officials, community leaders and researchers trying to bring the power of high-speed Internet to bear on our nation’s greatest challenges.” The IIA, founded by Mehlman and former NTIA head Larry Irving five years ago, believes U.S. leaders should create a comprehensive national broadband strategy to complement market efforts to achieve universal broadband availability and adoption.

Separated into areas of interest, the IIA Broadband Fact Book features a search function to locate all data related to a specific word search. The search categories include broadband adoption, broadband traffic, economy, education, energy, environment, healthcare, network infrastructure, poverty, telework and “other.”

Here are samples of the diverse statistics available on the site:

  • eCommerce generates 36-pecent less conventional air pollutants than conventional shopping (American Consumer Institute 2007)
  • A 7-percent increase in broadband adoption could result in $92 billion through 2.4 million jobs created or saved annually (Connected Nation 2008)
  • Broadband-based remote monitoring for all chronically ill patients could reduce hospital, outpatient and drug expenses by 30 percent - reducing overall healthcare expenses for the United States by roughly 25 percent or about $350 billion annually (Robert E. Litan)

“The Fact Book will continually evolve and be updated as new broadband data become available,” the groups says. And like Wikipedia, individuals can upload facts, statistics and studies for inclusion at www.internetinnovation.org/factbook/.

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