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NSN nominated for Green Mobile Award in GSMA’s Global Mobile Awards 2009

23 января 2009

Nokia Siemens Networks’ Environmentally Sustainable Business initiative has been nominated for an award in the Green Mobile Award category of the annual GSMA Global Mobile Awards 2009.

Nokia Siemens Networks’ Environmentally Sustainable Business initiative seeks to minimize the company’s environmental footprint with industry-leading environmentally friendly products and internal initiatives. Through the initiative, Nokia Siemens Networks introduces solutions that combine environmental and business benefits for sustainable and profitable business, and actively looks for solutions and technologies that maximize the positive impact telecommunications can have on other industries’ footprint.


“We are delighted to have our environmental efforts recognized in this way,“ says Anne Larilahti, Head of Environmentally Sustainable Business at Nokia Siemens Networks. “From the start our strategy has been to have a net positive impact on the environment. This is why we integrate environmental thinking into all aspects of our business and set ambitious and concrete targets to reduce the overall environmental impact of our products and operations – for the direct benefit of the planet as well as our customers.”


This is the first year that the GSMA Awards feature the Green Mobile Awards category for organisations that are focused on the reduction of environmental impacts through eco-friendly and innovative policies, programmes and initiatives.


“Our congratulations go to all the nominees in this year’s Global Mobile Awards,” said Rob Conway, CEO of the GSMA. “In an uncertain economic climate, mobile communications continue to drive social, economic and technological development, as the calibre of entries this year again illustrates. To have been nominated from such a high quality field of more than 450 companies that entered is a tremendous achievement, and we await the announcement of the winners at the next month’s Global Mobile Awards evening in Barcelona with great interest."


Nokia Siemens Networks will be showcasing different solutions relating to the Environmentally Sustainable Business initiative at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The winners of the Green Mobile Award will be announced on Tuesday 17th February 2009 at the GSMA Global Mobile Awards Gala Dinner held in The National Palace (Palau Nacional) in Barcelona.

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