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WiMAX - Quantity of Services waits on Quality of Service

21 января 2009

Arguably the hottest debates in the mobile wireless ecosystem today are those that compare the virtues and promises of WiMAX and LTE.  Mostly these debates are centric about investment, availability of devices and performance.  What both sides of the argument are weighing in with equally is the promise of an all-IP network.  What they're weighed down with is an incomplete suite of solutions.

Regardless of the whether it's WiMAX or LTE that delivers the bandwidth, there are still elements of a 4G world that are full of optimism but fraught with complication.  One of those elements is voice service; or more correctly, the lack of a viable and reliable mechanism to provide voice service over an all IP mobile wireless network.  While VoIP would seem to be a logical answer, a practical answer to a ubiquitous, seamless, voice experience is still more of a promise than a reality.

Bridging that gap today for XOHM is Sprint's existing CDMA network.  Although XOHM doesn't explicitly state this, they do implicitly suggest it on their website offering that, "Unlike today's existing mobile internet which uses cell phone/voice technology, the XOHM network is specifically designed for internet data and mobility."  But if you're not an incumbent carrier with a network available to efficiently carry voice traffic what are your options?

Источник: WiMAX Trends

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