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Study: Mobile video viewing grows, but still lagging

12 января 2009

While about 10.3 million U.S. mobile subscribers accessed video content on their phones during a given month in the third quarter of 2008, up 14 percent from Q2 totals, video adoption still lags compared to other mobile media formats according to information and media firm The Nielsen Company.

Among the 11 international markets tracked by Nielsen, the U.S. leads in mobile video consumption, with about 5 percent of all subscribers screening clips--France and Italy trail at about 4 percent each. Sixty-six percent of all mobile video users say they consume content via mobile web video services--comedy is the most popular form of mobile video offering, with 40 percent of viewers noting they screened comedy clips during the third quarter, averaging 10 minutes per session. Apple's iPhone is now the most popular phone for mobile video viewing--as of Q3, 11 percent of all streaming video users were iPhone users--and NBC reigns as the most-watched mobile video brand in the U.S., with 4.7 million mobile video users tuning to NBC-branded entertainment in the typical month, representing 46 percent of the overall mobile video audience.

Other findings of the Nielsen report: As of Q3 2008, the mobile video audience skews 60 percent male, while men comprise just 48 percent of the total mobile population. Moreover, mobile video users are considerably more likely to be younger: 64 percent of users are under the age of 35, compared to just 35 percent of total subscribers. African-Americans and Hispanics remain disproportionately represented in the mobile video audience--as of Q3, 14 percent of the mobile video audience was African-American and 24 percent of the audience was Hispanic (compared to just 9 and 13 percent of all subscribers, respectively). Mobile video users are also a bit more affluent than the average subscriber: 28 percent of video consumers boast household incomes of $100,000 compared to 22 percent of total subscribers.

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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