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Swisscom to invest billions in fibre-to-the-home

09 декабря 2008

Swisscom AG Tuesday laid out a multibillion Swiss franc plan to connect residential customers to its fibre-optic network in a move that is set to increase competition on bandwidth in Switzerland.

The company, the nation's incumbent telephony operator which is still majority-owned by the state, said that it intends to connect 100,000 homes to the fibre network in 2009.

Bern-based Swisscom said it plans to invest 8 billion Swiss francs ($6.6 billion) in infrastructure and IT in the next six years, and 35% of this is earmarked for the fibre-to-the-home plans.

Work in
Zurich, Basel and Geneva has already started, after which it will start connecting customers in other cities, Swisscom said.

"Now that fiber-optic cables have been laid to neighborhoods and to large companies, residential customers and SMEs are next in line," the company said.

Swisscom presented its reseller offerings to all Internet service providers at the beginning of November, it said.

It said that in the initial phase offerings will cover bandwidths of 30 to 50 Megabits per second for receiving data, and up to 10 Mbps for sending data, far more than the maximum 20 Mbps download currently available in some areas of

In the field of broadband Internet, Swisscom competes with several resellers of capacity on its own network, as well as with Liberty Global Inc. unit Cablecom Holdings AG which controls most of the country's cable network.

Cablecom currently offers a maximum of 25 Mbps download speed.

Источник: Total Telecom

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