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Russians Prepping Sats x2 For Slot Occupancy

09 декабря 2008

RSCC is now ready to deliver new Express-AM44 and Express-MD1 telecommunications satellites onto their orbital slots.

The Dubna Satellite Control Center (Moscow region) has placed into operation additional telemetric receiving stations for the monitoring and control of the new spacecraft. Moreover, the capabilities of the automated system of monitoring and measuring of the satellite repeater parameters have been significantly expanded. The RSCC’ new infrastructure components will allow the company’s specialists to check and control all stages of launching and operating the new Express-AM44 and Express-MD1 satellites on orbit as well as increasing the reliability and quality of the satcom services provided. The Express-AM44 and Express-MD1 satellites are scheduled to be delivered into orbit simultaneously on February 11, 2009. They will be placed at 11 degrees West and 80 degrees East orbital slots, respectively. The Express-AM44 will replace the Express-A3 satellite, whose life cycle is over. Express-MD1 will be placed at 80 East orbital position to compensate for the shortage of satellite capacity. The Express-AM44 satellite was manufactured by JSC Information Satellite Systems Reshetnev Company and Thales Alenia Space France. The Express-MD1 light satellite was manufactured by Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center with Thales Alenia Space Italy.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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