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Internet fraud jumps as economy slumps

08 декабря 2008

Internet criminals who target businesses and consumers have stepped up their activity as the global economy has worsened, an online security expert for International Business Machines Corp.

Gunter Ollmann, IBM's chief security strategist, said security attacks - attacks delivered over the Internet aimed at stealing customer data - have increased 30% over the past 120 days, rising to 2.5 billion worldwide per day, from 1.8 billion per day.

"Year on year we've seen a steady growth in the volume of Internet-based attacks," Ollmann said."But what we've seen in the past 120 days is a larger, unprecedented increase in the amount of network-based attacks."

Ollmann says the majority of these attacks come from organized crime networks, and that it has become easier for individuals without any technology or technical ability to go onto the Internet and "hire" people to launch Internet attacks. A so-called "botnet" agent - a piece of software that allows individuals to launch Internet attacks - can be hired for as little as $200 per day, he added.

"A lot of these services are available through public (Internet) forums, and some of these organizations are very sophisticated - some have their own marketing teams," Ollmann said.

In recent research, California-based security software firm Symantec Corp. said the value of credit cards fraudulently traded on the Internet was worth around $5.3 billion, and it warned of a thriving underground economy.

Источник: Total Telecom

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