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IMS Pulls Its Grades Up In Latest Global Report Card

01 декабря 2008

The recently birthed NGN/IMS Forum has issued itself another “report card,” giving itself passing grades, declaring IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) really is ready for market and lamenting that hardly anyone worldwide has adopted it.

It was that lack of momentum that is believed to have driven the IMS Forum to its recent merger with the NGN Forum, and which led to the release today of the new report card. In theory, the report card rates IMS based on the results of the last three “Plugfests” held to prove that IMS solutions are interoperable and ready for market. To some extent, the new report card also is a precursor to the next IMS Plugfest, scheduled for Jan. 12-16, 2009, at the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Lab (UNH-IOL).

Now the Forum says, “The IMS architecture was one of the most hyped developments within the networking industry throughout 2006 and 2007, but the technology became ‘viable’ in 2008. Early, conflicting information from some vendors and service providers, both in favor of and against the technology, distorted the understanding of IMS.”

To some extent, the Forum even blamed the IMS community itself for the general attitude that’s been developed regarding IMS. “Proprietary IMS architectures created the illusion of inherent interoperability, reliability, or availability problems in IMS-based services, while numerous companies claimed IMS capabilities for products that delivered little or nothing new,” it wrote in its introduction to the report card.

But now, it comments, IMS really is ready for prime time: “The coming year (2009) promises a strong push toward, if not actual deployment of, carrier-branded, bundled services (with video and mobility leading the charge) over NGN technologies driven by the practical success of IMS architectures.”

Источник: http://telecomweb.com

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