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SatWiMAX En Route To Africa, South America + Asia Via Norsat Int'l

31 октября 2008

Norsat International has established a WiMAX business unit to pursue satellite-enabled WiMAX opportunities in emerging markets throughout Africa, South America, and Asia.

Satellite technology is critical to reliably and cost-efficiently expanding the coverage reach of WiMAX networks in areas where traditional terrestrial networks are not a feasible option, as satellites can effectively link remotely located WiMAX base stations to a centralized switching infrastructure.

With an increasing number of WiMAX deployments in rural regions, there is an emerging demand for satellite-enabled networks. Norsat stated that its satellite systems technology expertise enables the company to provide the optimal satellite backhaul solution in a hybrid WiMAX-satellite communication network.

"Satellite-enabled WiMAX is a strategic extension of our core capabilities," said Dr. Amiee Chan, president and CEO, Norsat International. "We believe by capitalizing on our understanding of satellite capacity optimization, remote satellite communication management and network engineering, and partnering with players in the WiMAX space, we will be well positioned to establish a strong foothold in this burgeoning market." Norsat plans to leverage its satellite communication expertise and work with telecommunications operators and other technology partners to provide end-to-end satellite-enabled WiMAX network solutions for wireless broadband access and voice, data and video communication services. These solutions are expected to include: base stations, voice, data and video content servers, operations support systems, satellite backhaul solutions, and satellite capacity.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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