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Personalisation the key to driving mobile services uptake

28 октября 2008

New research published on Monday by mobile device management firm Mformation found that 80% of customers would use mobile services more if a greater level of personalisation was available.

"There is still pent-up demand for new services and applications in the mobile space," said Rob Dalgety, commercial director of Mformation.

He explained to Total Telecom that 68% of mobile users find it frustrating that when they buy a new phone they already know it will come with features that they are unlikely to ever use.

Dalgety also said that two thirds of the 4,000 consumers surveyed said they would be willing to pay a premium to tailor their handsets.

"Driving increased mobile usage is the incentive for mobile operators," he commented.

He said that personalisation at point of sale is one way that operators can segment their customers effectively and then deliver more targeted services going forward.

"If you start delivering services that are targeted then you bring a higher level of satisfaction, and your customers are more willing to pay you for it," Dalgety added.

The survey, which involved the participation of 2,000 mobile subscribers in the
U.S. and 2,000 based in the U.K., also measured the current usage of a number of mobile applications.

It found that revenue-generating mobile services such as email, Internet browsing and picture messaging are currently the most frequently used applications other than voice and SMS.

However, the research also found that a large proportion of respondents have still never used these applications.

In fact, 57% have never used email, 49% have never surfed the Internet on their handsets, and 54% have never sent a picture message.

Furthermore, 81% of those in the survey said they would switch to an operator that offered a greater level of personalisation.

"People already have their own ringtones and wallpapers," said Dalgety.

"Now what they're looking for is a much higher level of sophistication," he said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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