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Roaming Hub Transforms Roaming

22 октября 2008

The era of the bilateral roaming agreement could be coming to an end. Syniverse Technologies is providing a comprehensive suite of roaming services, including data clearing, financial clearing and fraud protection, in a roaming hub to help operators quickly resolve complexities associated with roaming.

With the hub, operators can expand their roaming footprints, launch new services and manage roaming partner relationships. Some of the hub components include the company’s Data Clearing House (DCH), Financial Clearing House (FCH), signaling, agreement management, RAEX, operational support services and the company’s Datanet NRTRDE solution.

The hub is fully compliant with GSMA specifications. In fact, during a recent GSMA trial, Syniverse worked with 6 operators in 4 countries and on 3 continents to prove that the roaming hub could be used on a global scale.

This is the second hub announcement from the Tampa, Fla.-based company in the last few weeks. The first announcement involved a messaging hub that delivers interworking between operators for IM, SMS, MMS and subscriber presence. 

“Although Syniverse already has a significant global presence, we plan to continue strengthening our hub connections by engaging a number of partners, making our hubbing capabilities even more robust,” said Tony Holcombe, Syniverse president and CEO, in a statement.

Источник: Wireless Week

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