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Android G1 goes live in US

22 октября 2008

T-Mobile has officially released the G1 mobile handset.

The G1 is the first smartphone to be based on Android, the open-source mobile platform from Google.

The handset made its debut Wednesday at T-Mobile stores in the US. While the release lacked the hype and media attention of the first two iPhone releases, the G1 is expected to be Apple's strongest challenger.

Both devices feature touchscreens, 3G connections and support for third party applications. Google hopes that the Android platform will differentiate itself from the iPhone by offering a completely open marketplace in contrast to Apple's tightly-controlled iPhone AppStore.

The company sent that store live today to coincide with the T-Mobile G1 release. The initial incarnation of the Android Market will feature 50 previously-submitted applications.

Google hopes to expand its application lineup on Monday when the store will be opening up for submissions from third-party developers.

The company plans on allowing developers to choose whether to give the apps away for free or charge a purchase price, of which Google will keep 30 per cent. Apple charges an identical commission price on the sale of iPhone apps.

The release of the G1 and Android Market opening also come just one day after the company released the Android code base into an open-source license. The company hopes that the move will further lure developers to the platform.

T-Mobile is expected to release the G1 in the UK next month.

Источник: vnunet.com

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