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Mobile operators should look to carriers for support

26 сентября 2008

The ever-increasing number of new applications on the market is driving demand for mobile data, and wholesale operators can play an important role in this space, according to TeliaSonera International Carrier.

Mobile network operators need to loosen their grip on the networks side of the business, and concentrate on giving end users the applications they really want, Bernd Hoogkamp, head of mobile community at TeliaSonera International Carrier, advised delegates at Carriers World in London on Thursday.

"Focus on the retail. Let the carriers focus on the wholesale," Hoogkamp stressed to the mobile operators in the room.

"The role of access is decreasing… the perceived value of our technology will go down," he said.

"Connectivity is not the differentiator anymore," he added.
For end users it is all about applications, and more than that, it is about choice, he said.

"We invented two things. One was voice and connectivity. The other was SMS, and that was a coincidence," Hoogkamp said.

New applications are coming from the Internet world and telecoms operators need to facilitate access to them for their customers.

Mobile users now just need reliable voice and a fast Internet connection, Hoogkamp said.
"It's all about psychology, it's not about technology."

Hoogkamp also had some words of wisdom for those attending the event from the wholesale side of the market.

"The question you need to ask yourself… is are you ready to support the mobile operator?..
Are you ready to share your experiences?" he asked the carriers.

"You need to show your commitment [to the mobile players] by investing in products that most of us consider niche products," he said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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