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Rostelecom tells telcos to transmit traffic terrestrially

25 сентября 2008

The growing demand for broadband connectivity will in turn increase demand for international bandwidth, a scenario Russian long-distance operator Rostelecom hopes to turn to its advantage.

International traffic between Europe and Asia is growing, and Rostelecom is keen to point out that the shortest way to route that traffic is over land.

Rostelecom's pan-Russian DWDM network forms part of the Transit Europe Asia (TEA) network, which, as of earlier this month, now connects Japan via the newly-launched Russia-Japan Cable Network (RJCN), a project undertaken by Rostelecom and partners KDDI and NEC.

The RJCN, which opened on 5 September, took 12 months to build and covers
1,800 km, Svetlana Smirnova, senior manager, international IP and data sales department at Rostelecom told Carriers World delegates on Wednesday.

In testing, the combination of TEA and RJCN between
London and Tokyo produced round-trip delay of 196 milliseconds, said Smirnova.

The terrestrial route generates "RTD figures that cannot be reached by sea cables," she said, producing figures to back up her argument.

According to Rostelecom, round-trip delay between
London on Hong Kong via TEA comes in at 190 milliseconds.
For the same two destinations the figure rises to 300 milliseconds on the trans-Indian subsea cable route and 320 milliseconds on the trans-Pacific route.

Earlier this month Rostelecom announced that traffic between Europe and
Asia is growing at 20%-30% annually, on the back of economic ties between the two regions.

"The initial demand was driven from the Asian customers," said Smirnova. "The demand from the Asian carriers exceeded the demand from the European carriers."

However, she expects this to change, noting that many European companies in particular are sensitive to quality and "it takes time to gain trust".

Источник: Total Telecom

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