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Metro Ethernet gains traction in Eastern Europe

23 сентября 2008

Emerging markets in Eastern Europe are leading more mature Western territories when it comes to deploying carrier-grade Metro Ethernet networks, according to equipment maker Extreme Networks.

"In Western Europe there is still this ongoing debate over MPLS versus PBB-TE, the market is much more competitive and a lot of providers don't want to cannibalise their existing services," said Jan Hof, director of field marketing for EMEA and SAM at Extreme Networks.

On one side of the debate, certain vendors, including Cisco, are backing MPLS routers as a means of managing Metro Ethernet traffic, while another group, including Extreme Networks, is pushing provider backbone bridge traffic engineering (PBB-TE), a native Ethernet technology originally developed by Nortel, which relies on switches rather than routers.

While Ethernet switches are cheaper than MPLS-routers, the latter have a head start in mature markets when it comes to deployments.

"Eastern Europe is much more of a
greenfield situation, and there's more money flowing to those markets from the EU," commented Hof.

"Europe's incumbents have made massive investments and carry a lot of baggage, whereas the new ones coming in have none of that and are able to offer more services for the same money," added Paul Phillips, regional director for U.K. and Ireland, Extreme Networks.

For example,
Hof said that Slovenia-based T-2 is using Extreme Networks switching technology to launch triple-play services over an FTTH network.
The offering includes a 150-channel IPTV service.

"T-2 was able to launch its triple-play service at only €14 per month, and its market share grew to 25%," said

His comments were made ahead of Monday's launch of Extreme Networks' latest purpose-built Metro Ethernet transport solution.

Called the BlackDiamond 20808, the new product supports 120 Gbps of bandwidth per slot and 192 10-GE ports per rack.

"It's getting back to having a switch that has huge capacity," said Phillips.

said that the 20808 is particularly suited to operators looking to launch triple-play services.

"It can support a greater number of subscribers, which in turn will help service providers increase their ARPU," he said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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