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Amdocs says location not vital to mobile advertising

05 сентября 2008

Amdocs this week said that location-based marketing campaigns are not necessary at the moment given the immaturity of the mobile advertising sector.

"Mobile advertising is still in its infancy. Initially the same brands that first moved into Internet advertising will move into the mobile space – these will be big brands where location isn't important," said Eitan Gelbaum, vice president of marketing at Amdocs' advertising, commerce and entertainment division.

"If I see the Nike 'swoosh' on my phone it doesn't matter if I'm in
London or Tel Aviv," he said in an interview with Total Telecom.

Gelbaum said he expects that the same big brands will begin leveraging geo-location technology initially by providing localised information on retail outlets, for example.

Still, he acknowledged the potential of geo-location as a basis for launching new services, both on-portal and off-portal.

"Location may not have been utilised much up until this point, but when it hits critical mass there will be all kinds of applications that take advantage of location," he commented.

In the meantime Gelbaum stressed the importance for operators and advertisers to segment consumers as a means of delivering relevant offers and messages.

"They have to look at it on a segmented basis.
I see reports all the time that say, 'consumers want this, consumers want that', but they have to realise that there is no generic consumer," he said.

He commented that ad-funded MVNO Blyk has been smart in identifying a segment that is likely to be more receptive to advertising messages.

Blyk launched in the
U.K. in September 2007, and then in the Netherlands in January 2008 after striking a deal with Vodafone.

In April it announced it had signed up 100,000
U.K. customers ahead of schedule, and in June mapped out its plans to launch in Germany, Spain and Belgium in 2009.

"I think they're onto something.
They've hit the 100,000-subscriber mark ahead of time, and the fact they launched in the Netherlands so soon after launching in the U.K. shows their audience is not limited to a single geography," said Gelbaum.

"They've been smart and identified 16 to 24 year-olds, an audience that is more willing to see adverts in return for free services. Once you get above that age group you have a segment that is more likely to pay a premium not to receive ads," he commented.

Источник: Total Telecom

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