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Globalstar's Next-Gen is a Star

02 сентября 2008

Globalstar, Inc., a provider of mobile satellite voice and data services to businesses, government and individuals, announced satellite manufacturer Thales Alenia Space began production assembly, integration and testing of the first Globalstar second-generation flight model satellites.

Globalstar, Thales Alenia Space and Arianespace presented the latest updates at the Thales Alenia Space satellite manufacturing facility in Cannes, France. The new satellites, scheduled for delivery beginning in less than a year, will be used to provide Globalstar’s next-generation of advanced mobile satellite voice and data services.

In November of 2006 Globalstar signed a contract with Thales Alenia Space for the design, manufacture and delivery of 48 second-generation satellites. In September of 2007 Globalstar signed a contract with launch provider Arianespace to launch the second-generation satellites beginning in the second half of next year. Globalstar will again use the Soyuz launch vehicle that was used to launch 32 Globalstar first-generation satellites. All program milestones have been met since its start in November 2006, and are on schedule to start launches as early as Q3 2009.

Since February 1999, Arianespace's affiliate, Starsem, has launched 32 satellites of the Globalstar fleet. In 2009, this decade-old relationship with Globalstar is expected to continue in
French Guiana, when Arianespace delivers to orbit another six Globalstar satellites on the Soyuz. The Globalstar second-generation constellation has a 15-yearcontracted lifespan securing the company’s space segment through at least 2025. Globalstar expects the new constellation and ground network to provide faster data speeds required to support a variety of next-generation Internet-protocol (IP) based services. The network is being designed to ensure backwards compatibility for current customers and the Company is evaluating next-generation commercial and consumer wireless services including push-to-talk, multicasting, duplex SMS, advanced messaging, and the ability to support mobile video applications.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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