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Study: Service Providers Have Big Plans for Multiplatform Video

22 августа 2008

We've seen how service providers are increasingly interested in developing their own online video capabilities in the past. But data from a recent study conducted by Heavy Reading demonstrates just how much.


The online study surveyed 120 service providers around the world about their multiplatform video distribution plans. The study included topics such as attitudes, timelines, drivers, and challenges for video distribution across device platforms. The study also looked at favored revenue models, content genres, and key applications.

(We will be presenting more information from the study at the Contentonomics event in October.)

Interest in multiplatform video was extremely high across the board. More than 90 percent of respondents agreed that multiplatform video distribution would be an important requirement for service providers within the next five years.

Nearly 50 percent of providers surveyed already offered a content-rich online portal and just under 30 percent offered video on the portal. Movies, sports, and TV shows that were both streamed live and delivered on-demand were the most preferred genres of video content. Naturally, there were significant regional variances, as well as variances based on the size and scale of the provider.

Thirty-two percent of service providers thought PC-to-TV connectivity was critical, while 63 percent believe it is merely useful for the success of Internet video. Service providers surveyed were not particularly involved with the development of standards in home networking. This is surprising given the importance of in-home connectivity to multiplatform video.

Interestingly, nearly two out of three felt that bundling premium content with higher broadband tiers was the best business model for monetizing broadband video. This data point highlights an advantage that service providers have for distributing Internet video.

Service providers have the ability to leverage existing revenue models and bundle additional capabilities with existing services. Given the challenges faced by several online video distribution sites in generating revenues, that will become important in the future.

Written by Aditya Kishore

Monday, August 18. 2008

Источник: Contentinople

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