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Don't expect mobile broadband to overtake fixed real soon

25 июля 2008

Forrester Research released a study that refutes the mobile industry's prediction that mobile broadband connections in Europe could overshadow fixed in as short as five years.

The firm said that despite its forecast for growth of the mobile broadband market, there are factors that will keep it from displacing fixed broadband. These include performance, weak indoor coverage and the high rates of desktop computers that don't have wireless connections.

Even with HSDPA, the theoretical speed for the services is 7 Mbps, said Forrester, with actual performance usually a lot slower, while data offerings aren't really "unlimited."

Still, the mobile share of the European broadband market will grow to 27 percent of all connections by the end of 2013, with fixed representing 67 percent, falling from 88 percent in 2008. The remaining 10 percent will account for users who have both types of connections, said Forrester.

Источник: FierceWireless

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