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Future still belongs to IPTV, and vice versa

23 июня 2008

IPTV progress has been relentless in the last year as several IPTV service providers around the world have surpassed the 1 million subscriber mark, or have gotten closer to it.

Telco IPTV services also have started to steal some cable TV thunder, which is not something that most industry watchers--or the telcos themselves--expected to happen this quickly.

Still, so many questions surround IPTV even as it gains adoption: How will bundled IPTV, essentially free, affect the ability of telcos to make money from premium content offerings? How will over-the-top online video trends affect IPTV, and is integrating the two worlds the right approach? Are set-top boxes on their way out? Will Microsoft Mediaroom own the living room, or could the telco-inspired Soft At Home give the software giant a run for its money?

Microsoft TV, Integra5, MU Dynamics, Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco Systems, Ericsson and Zeugma Systems are just a few of the companies primed to talk about IPTV at the show.

Источник: FierceIPTV

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