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Latest Thuraya satellite ready for commercial services

18 июня 2008

Operator's newest satellite aimed at covering Asia-Pacific markets including Japan, China, Korea.

UAE-based satellite operator Thuraya on Tuesday announced its third satellite is ready to begin commercial operations across Asia-Pacific.

"Our expanded coverage towards Asia-Pacific, including such major markets as China, Australia, Japan, Korea and Indonesia, will double the current market size and population…bringing two billion more people under its footprint," said Thuraya, in a statement.

The geosynchronous satellite, called Thuraya-3, was launched from the sea in January, and since then the company said it has been testing all necessary ground, space and related systems prior to launching commercial services.

"The border-to-border coverage provided by Thuraya in each country under its footprint will empower people in rural and remote areas as well as those at sea or beyond the reach of terrestrial networks," said Yousuf Al Sayed, CEO of Thuraya.

Satellite service providers have been making headlines again in the last year, as they shift focus from global business travellers to niche industries such as maritime, aviation, oil and gas.

Total Telecom reported in January that satellite operators Iridium and Globalstar emerged from bankruptcy and re-focused on sectors that are unreachable by land-based telecoms networks.

Iridium and Globalstar operate 66 and 40 orbiting satellites respectively, while London-based satellite provider Inmarsat operates 10 satellites.

Al Sayed commented that following its latest launch, Thuraya is now able to provide voice and data services through its network of satellites to roughly 170 countries.

Источник: Total Telecom

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