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Swisscom using NSN infrastructure for live television transmission of UEFA EURO 2008

16 июня 2008

Swisscom Broadcast is transmitting the TV signals from the stadia in Switzerland to UEFA's International Broadcast Centre (IBC), from where they will be sent around the world.

To assure the smooth transmission of TV images Swisscom is supported by Nokia Siemens Networks which has installed and is maintaining a fiber-optic network between the Swiss stadia in Zurich, Bern, Geneva and Basel and the two interconnection points with Telekom Austria at the Swiss/Austrian border. Telekom Austria is then transporting the signal over their fixed network to the IBC in Vienna.

“For this high exposure project we needed a very secure solution to build a special network. We will be sending very high volumes of data at different times from different stadia to the broadcast center, thus flexibility and reliability are a must. The solution from Nokia Siemens Networks has fulfilled all the above criteria.” said Guido Garrone, Head of Network & IT from Swisscom.

To ensure the highest quality and absolute reliability of the broadcasts, Nokia Siemens Networks has provided Swisscom with a Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) platform known as hiT 7300. An intensive internal testing period convinced Swisscom of the excellent performance of the platform and proved it is the right choice for the project. Key to the decision-making was the highly reliable system performance and network flexibility, together with simplified implementation and easy operation.

“We are sure that through the DWDM platform Swisscom will contribute to the success of UEFA EURO 2008 and the enjoyment of the football fans. The unique flexibility of the system shows through in this project”, said Michael Finkenzeller, Strategy and Portfolio Manager DWDM at Nokia Siemens Networks.

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