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Sports fans are top mobile TV watchers

10 июня 2008

A new study into who is watching digital media claims that twice as many sports fans watch mobile video compared with the average mobile user (12 per cent vs. six per cent).

The study, which involved over 1,000 European respondents, was conducted by the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA) in an effort to understand the convergence of media across TV, Internet and mobile handsets.

Of particular note was the apparent need by sports enthusiasts for information on the go, highlighted by the fact that 93 per cent of those that access sports sites own a mobile/PDA/Blackberry (vs. 83 per cent of all European Internet users) and are heavy users of the mobile Internet.
Interestingly, they are twice as likely as the average European mobile/PDA/Blackberry user to watch video/film clips via their mobile and are more likely to perform other online activities on their cell phone.

Источник: http://www.fiercewireless.com/europe

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