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Sistema agrees $613.3m loan package with ABN Amro

07 июня 2008

Russian conglomerate AFK Sistema Friday said it had agreed a $613.3 million loan package with ABN Amro to help fund its Indian telecommunications project.

Sistema said the facility has a tenor of three years and is comprised of standby letters of credit totaling $358.3 million and a term loan of $255 million, each to be repaid on an amortizing basis.

The standby Letters of credit carry an annual interest rate of Libor plus 240 basis points, while the rate on the term loan is Libor plus 265 basis points.

Sistema said the facility would fund a capital injection at its Indian subsidiary, Shyam Telelink Limited, as well as facilitate raising debt on the local market to finance its growth.

Источник: Total Telecom

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