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The Grand Scheme Beyond Femtocells: Smart Distributed WBB Networks

27 мая 2008

Femtocells have advanced into the market as a way to extend coverage and offload capacity of 3G networks. This is a method of distributing the signaling and bandwidth load to local area networks, enhancing building penetration that is currently limited by 3G WCDMA technology and network architecture. 

Femtocells have little ability to become self-organized or perform network management functions.  WiMAX and LTE, on the other hand, are based on highly adaptive OFDMA air interfaces and IP communications that enable architecting of self-configured and distributed networks. They become part of the broader unified communications industry movement toward smart, distributed networking that is augmented by distributed storage and application servers. The largest opportunities for WiMAX are Smart Distributed WBB Networks, SDWN, and Purpose Use of Multiple Spectrum bands (PUMS). 

SDWN Description

The SDWN wireless interface layer is based on scalable OFDMA, adaptive modulation and power control methods that enable the network to adapt to a variety of channel bandwidths, range, multi-path environments, and attenuating signal conditions and usage.

The same factors that are now driving intelligent wired networks are amplified by the nature of wireless: limited available spectrum.  MIMO- beam forming, smart antenna and smart power regulation built into remote and mobile stations can achieve very high localized performance while working as an adaptive layer within the managed network. 

The Scalable Network Architecture of SDWN includes:

  • Macro Cell Base Stations (BS): typically aimed at tower installations;
  • Mini Cell BS: typically aimed at rooftop & similar deployments;
  • PicoCell BS: typically for indoor and shadow area network enhancements;
  • Femtocell: typically aimed at local area access networks.
  • SDWN will enable localized storage and servers, mobile and temporary networks.

SDWN methods can deliver a significant reduction in network deployment and operating costs.  SDWN displaces the need to do much of the configuration and allows various types of deployments that better fit the environment.  

SDWN is highly motivated by the need to deliver cost effective networks able to respond to high bandwidth demands from both enterprise and consumer markets.  The need to be integrated as part of enterprise level networks compels development of self-configuring, self-organizing WBB networks.  The growing demand for personal broadband, including social networking and video media, will propel the pace of SDWN developments.

We believe that SDWN will develop over the next 10 years to become two to four times larger than the conventional centralized wireless broadband network market.

Источник: FierceBroadbandWireless

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