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Enterprise Fms Market to Reach $50 Billion by 2012

23 мая 2008

A new Strategy Analytics research has found that new factors are pushing the enterprise market towards a tipping point at which companies can see the business process benefits of Fixed-Mobile Convergence, resulting in unreserved implementation.

Analysis of revenues by technology sector reveals that UMA services will initially generate the more significant revenues due to its early market entry, but this position will be eroded over time by SIP-based services.

“The Emergence of a business justification for FMC based on business processes, the breaking down of technology barriers and increased interest in the concept, rather than simple cost justification will feed through the market and drive the demand for FMC,” said David Kerr, Vice President, Global Wireless Practice.

“SIP-based services will initially be implemented by large multinationals with the capacity to carry voice traffic on their private MPLS network. Consequently, SIP-based revenues will overtake UMA revenues toward the end of the forecast period. Moreover, Microsoft’s UC (Unified Communications) solution, is also likely to see positive uptake as a business solution,” commented Andrew Brown, Director for Wireless Enterprise Strategies.

Источник: Cellular news

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