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ViaSat LinkStarS2A VSAT System Is A Step Above

04 мая 2008

LinkStar VSAT system with bandwidth-efficient Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) is now available and implements additional bandwidth saving technologies that exceed the industry standard.

ViaSat LinkStarS2A VSAT System Is A Step AboveViaSat exclusively offers Dynamic Link Adaptation (DLA) and AcceleNet IP network and application acceleration. The ACM feature reduces satellite bandwidth requirements by as much as 63 percent for the downstream (hub to remotes) traffic. The DLA feature can reduce required bandwidth by up to 18 percent for the upstream traffic. This benefits a large set of applications that use flexible return link bandwidth allocations ranging from Bandwidth on Demand (BoD) to guaranteed transfer rates and IP Quality of Service (QoS). System download speeds of up to 126 Mbps from the hub to remotes and remote terminal upload rates up to 4.2 Mbps enable remote sites to be server locations, content providers, multimedia sources, video teleconferencing participants, and corporate headquarters. AcceleNet WAN optimization software accelerates LinkStar VSAT link and application performance for DVB-S2 ACM systems. AcceleNet client software with patented compression technology and application accelerators provides on-the-fly adjustments that maximize bandwidth savings, and wide area network performance, for remote and mobile customers.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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