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AT&T to launch live TV for mobiles

04 мая 2008

AT&T, the largest US telecommunications group, will launch its new live mobile television service on Sunday using two handsets, the LG Vu and the Samsung Access, both designed for television viewing.

AT&T’s Mobile TV, which will be based on Qualcomm’s MediaFlo technology and will cost an additional $15 a month, will offer subscribers 10 channels of broadcast TV including two exclusive channels – PIX, from Sony Pictures Television, and CNN Mobile Live.

The launch of the service positions AT&T to compete for mobile TV subscribers with Verizon Wireless, the joint venture mobile carrier owned by Verizon Communications and Britain’s Vodafone group, and Sprint Nextel, the third-largest US carrier, which have already launched live mobile TV services.

Like AT&T, Verizon uses Qualcomm’s MediaFlo technology and stand-alone network.

US mobile network operators view mobile TV services as another way to expand their data offerings and attract new subscribers and advertising revenues to offset pressure on their standard voice services.

AT&T will launch its 24-hour service in 58 markets including
Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, San Diego, Seattle and Washington DC.

Other news and entertainment channels available to subscribers include CBS Mobile, Comedy Central, ESPN Mobile TV, FOX Mobile, MTV, NBC 2Go, NBC News 2Go, and Nickelodeon.

Mark Collins, vice-president of consumer data for AT&T’s wireless unit, said: “Our research revealed that news and movies were the two most popular programme categories consumers wanted to watch on their mobile phones”.

Qualcomm, the
US mobile phone chip maker, developed the MediaFlo technology and built the nationwide MediaFlo network in an effort to fuel demand for its advanced mobile phone chips and persuade mobile network operators to adopt the system.

Qualcomm paid $554.6m for five licences in the recent
US government auction of spectrum in the 700MHz band that will become available in February 2009 when TV stations switch from analogue to digital broadcasting.

Источник: Financial Times

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