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Yahoo to outsource part of its IM

29 апреля 2008

Yahoo is to outsource part of its instant messaging service as the internet company, which is under threat from a Microsoft takeover, focuses on core businesses.

The handling of Yahoo’s Messenger, which allows PC-to-phone and phone-to-PC voice calls, is being taken over by Jajah, a Silicon Valley voice-over-internet-protocol (Voip) specialist.

Yahoo’s instant messaging (IM) service has 93m users worldwide, including 27m in the
US, according to comScore, a research firm.

The company added PC-to-PC calling to Messenger three years ago in response to the growing popularity of the Skype Voip service.

A year later, it enabled calls between PCs and landline and mobile phones, with calls out costing from 2 cents a minute and the ability to receive phone calls on the PC costing $30 a year. 

Jajah will now take over provisioning of the telephony infrastructure, payment processing and customer care for premium voice users.

The move is part of Yahoo’s strategy of focusing on core services, instituted by Jerry Yang after he took over as chief executive last year. Its suitor Microsoft has a similar Messenger service, with 228m users worldwide, according to comScore.

Jajah began as a consumer service that allowed users to make cheap phone calls through their PC, without the need for a headset and microphone. Numbers typed in on its website can be called and connected to the user’s regular landline or cell phone.

But Trevor Healy, Jajah chief executive, said it was always intended that the service would be offered as a solution to other companies.

“We decided to build the brand first and then, when we had the platform established, open it up to different verticals [company sectors].”

Источник: Financial Times

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