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BT moves from dashboards to 'mashboards'

29 апреля 2008

Oracle meanwhile calls industry to concentrate on intellectual property, rather than manpower, as Sofnet opens its doors in London.

Telecoms providers need to focus on deploying soft infrastructure that can deliver combinations of new and existing services to customers, otherwise they risk being left behind, warned BT CTO Matt Bross on Monday.

"We don't have a crystal ball that can show us which services our customers will use in future, but we do know what those services will be made up of," he said in his opening keynote address at Sofnet in

Bross explained that telcos need to concentrate on software that will enable them to combine their different network capabilities and use them to roll out innovative new services as quickly and as easily as possible.

"I believe we're going to see a move from dashboards to mashboards," he commented.

Furthermore, Bross highlighted that communications service providers can use soft infrastructure to extend their reach much further geographically than they could hope to by deploying hardware.

"We've begun to move the work to the people rather than what has been done historically which is moving the people to the work, which reflects a shift we're seeing from the corporation to the individual," he added.

"Do we need to move to a softco from a telco?
I would argue passionately yes," Bross added.

Bhaskar Gorti, senior vice president and general manager at Oracle, echoed Bross's sentiments.

"Telephony has remained unchanged for decades.
In the last 10 years it is the Internet that has revolutionised communications," he said.

He commented that the only way that telcos can hope to catch up is through the deployment and development of software.

"Market leaders push the frontier of productivity and software is the fundamental enabler in revolutionising that productivity," he said.

With this is mind, Gorti said that telecoms providers need to focus on providing software-based solutions and not just concentrate on managing vast and expensive communications networks.

"We always like to build it ourselves… but we need to move from a manpower-centric industry to an intellectual property-centric industry," he said.

"Software is the key enabler for a step change in our industry," added Gorti.

Источник: Total Telecom

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