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Top 100 Most Powerful Brands ranking released

24 апреля 2008

Millward Brown has released its annual BrandZ ranking of the world's 100 most powerful brands based on dollar value across all industries and the collective brand of worldwide wireless carriers rose 35 percent since last year.

As more and more consumers around the world use mobile devices for business and social reasons, Mobile Service Providers has emerged as the fastest growing industry category in terms of brand value growth, according to the 2008 BrandZ Top 100 Most Powerful Brands.

Led by China Mobile, the mobile service providers category as a whole increased by 35 percent over last year.

The comprehensive, global BrandZ ranking identifies the world's Top 100 most powerful market-facing brands as measured by their dollar value across all industries. It also ranks year-on-year growth of brands in 16 different product categories, including mobile service providers.

Mobile Service Providers Category Highlights:

  • The biggest influence on the growth of the market has been the advent of 3G technology, which enables video calling and game downloads.
  • Competition is often fierce, as mature markets approach saturation. This makes strong brands and customer relationships even more important.
  • The sector has continued to experience intense price pressure.

Mobile Brand Highlights:

  • China Mobile, ranked first in the mobile category and ranked fifth among all brands in the BrandZ Top 100, with more subscribers than any other mobile provider, benefited from the rapidly growing Chinese market. The brand's popularity allows it to charge a premium price over competitors.
  • Vodafone, second in the category, which has a large worldwide subscriber base, did very well in Germany, Spain and Australia. The brand's value increased significantly as a result of an acquisition, as well as strong growth in emerging markets like Egypt, India Turkey and South Africa.
  • Verizon Wireless, third, benefited from its focus on wireless data, wireless broadband, DSL, optic fibre, and its sponsorships in the fields of sports, music and multicultural marketing.
  • Movistar, eighth in the category, experienced high growth in Latin America.
  • MTS, ninth in the category and the first Russian brand to join the BrandZ Top 100, is currently the biggest mobile operator in Central and Eastern Europe.

The complete BrandZ Top 100 Most Powerful Brands report, with category and regional breakdowns, is available online at http://www.millwardbrown.com/mboptimor .

Источник: FierceWireless

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