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Analysts predict the using of Mobile Media Applications

21 апреля 2008

Total spending on mobile media services by consumers and advertisers, including web access, video and music products, will more than double? From almost $47 billion in 2007 to over $102 billion by 2012 according to a new Strategy Analytics report, "Global Cellular Media Forecast 2007 - 2011."

Strategy Analytics also projects that the population of cellular users engaging in mobile content and applications delivered over cellular networks will ramp from 406 million to over 870 million across the same period.

Nitesh Patel, Senior Analyst, Global Wireless Practice, notes, "The combination of falling mobile data pricing, an increasingly open approach from network operators towards partnering with popular consumer media brands, the lowering of barriers to off portal service accessibility and improvements in device usability will lead to an improved environment for mobile content and service adoption. Consequently, over the next five years we project continued growth in consumer acceptance and spending across a range of media applications distributed over cellular networks, particularly web access, video, music and mobile TV."  

David Kerr, VP Global Wireless Practice, adds, "Relative growth in consumer spending on mobile media applications will be surpassed by advertisers, as they look to exploit the maturing cellular content channel as a means to deliver their marketing and advertising messages to key target segments."

Источник: Strategy Analytics

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