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Telco/IPTV Households Hit 14 Million Worldwide

17 апреля 2008

According to a new report from market research and consulting firm Parks Associates, the number of households worldwide using telco/IPTV services jumped from 4.7 million in 2006 to exceed 14 million in 2007, with Europe accounting for nearly 60 percent of the total.

The new report, titled TV Services in Europe: Update and Outlook, analyzes key television services and offers growth strategies and recommendations for providers worldwide and for Europe in particular. Europe experienced a growth rate of 250 percent between 2006 and 2007 for telco/IPTV services, defined as landline-based multichannel and on-demand video services provided by a telephone operator. According to Parks Associates, operators should examine network and customer premise equipment upgrades for features and applications that can personalize the entire television experience and build customer loyalty.

"Telco/IPTV services provide European operators with a critical toehold in attracting and retaining customers," said Kurt Scherf, the VP and principal analyst of Parks Associates. "However, IPTV is a small part of a crowded market of terrestrial, satellite and cable offerings, and the competition will be intense."

Continued Scherf: "Service providers must view advanced technology capabilities on two levels. There is certainly a cost-savings perspective, but we would encourage service providers to also view customers as active participants in the convergence of entertainment and communications."

Источник: World Screen

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