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Golden Telecom launches of the new “800-number” service

28 сентября 2007

This service primarily attracts companies operating in more than one region of the Russian Federation as the “800-number” enables greater advantages for customer service centers, sales support centers and advertising or marketing campaigns. For example, 8-800-700-XXXX numbers can be announced as the main contact number for an advertising campaign.

All clients attracted by the new service may call the indicated number to get information about the company’s product or services free of charge and the company can determine the effectiveness of the particular advertising campaign.Mr. Jean-Pierre Vandromme, CEO of Golden Telecom, noted: “We always strive to widen the range of our services for corporate clients. From now on we can directly provide “800-number” to our clients within our own numbering capacity. This service is a great advantage for our clients in their sales and service operation”.  

Источник: «Голден Телеком»

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