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Mobile WiMAX - Awaiting the Deluge

11 апреля 2008

Last week in the arid desert climate of Las Vegas, we felt the first few drops of long anticipated technology precipitation.  That precipitation took the form of Nokia and Sprint announcing at CTIA 2008 the first commercially available mobile WiMAX product - Nokia's N810 Internet Tablet WiMAX edition.

Are these first few drops an indicator of coming deluge and can we expect that deluge to deliver green to a previously barren landscape?  If the WiMAX Forum remains true to its word we should expect to see products receiving WiMAX Forum certification this quarter.  The forum suggests that by 2011 over 950 products will have gone through certification testing.  If the number of mobile WiMAX products proposed for testing is any indication that barren landscape, the digital desert, would seem to have the potential of delivering green across the WiMAX ecosystem.

As farmers and gardeners know well, relying on rain alone won't produce green results.  The plot should be staked out early, soil tilled and seeds planted well in advance of the first rains.  The mobile WiMAX ecosystem has worked diligently in preparing plots and fertile soil and the seeds of promise have been planted in the minds of Enterprises and consumers alike.  Those seeds represent the promise of mobile, ubiquitous and plentiful bandwidth.  As the rains of product arrive will operators and carriers be ready to tend to their crops and deliver to their markets?

Crops can be grown, harvested and taken to market but to reap the benefits of these crops there must be an appetite for them.  The Mobile Internet has done much to whet the appetite of users.  It remains important for the entire WiMAX ecosystem to continue to prepare products for market and to continue to explore new applications for consumers and Enterprises and to exploit the potential of new business models.  While a staple diet of backhaul, fixed and nomadic WiMAX can feed a few hungry mouths; the diversity of mobile WiMAX has the potential of satisfying the cravings of many.

Источник: WiMAX Trends

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