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Juniper + Siemens Coordinate Provider Bennies

31 марта 2008

Juniper Networks, Inc. and the IP Service Management team of Siemens IT Solutions and Services Program and Systems Engineering (PSE) have announced the latest phase in their ongoing alliance, with Siemens joining Juniper's Open IP Service Creation Program (OSCP).

The companies are partnering within the OSCP to enable innovative new solutions for providers that improve network efficiency and accelerate service velocity. Siemens IT Solutions and Services PSE offers a wide array of professional services and develops and integrates a range of applications—enabled by Juniper's Session and Resource Control Portfolio—that can provide carriers with the functionality to derive maximum value from the network, as well as realize operational efficiencies through advanced network intelligence and service control. In the current applications portfolio, Siemens IT Solutions and Services PSE offers the Accounting and Rating Engine (AccRE) solution, which provides simplified billing and accounting for dynamic and on-demand IP services; and the Rate-Adaptive DSLAM Application (RADA), which improves bandwidth efficiency by unlocking available capacity in DSL-based broadband access networks. Collectively, these solutions enable providers to introduce new, differentiated subscriber service offerings, while also generating the ability to deliver simplified, flexible billing options for their IP services suite.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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