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Bango Analytics Meets Industry Demand for Mobile Web Stats

27 марта 2008

Bango launched Bango Analytics, a new product that delivers mobile focused web stats essential to understanding how people interact with mobile websites and which marketing campaigns are most effective. Bango Analytics helps mobile site owners engage with their audience more effectively by providing information about who their visitors are, where they come from and what they do.

Gartner (IT) forecasts $11 billion in global revenue from mobile advertising by 2011, up from less than $1 billion a year in 2007. But it's a widely held view within advertising agencies that the inability to measure the effectiveness of mobile marketing is holding back investment.

"As the mobile marketing and advertising ecosystem continues to grow it will become even more important for brands to have as much visibility as possible when evaluating the effectiveness of campaigns. A globally enabled product that makes mobile measurement easier for brands can only be a positive thing for the industry," said Daniel Rosen, head of AKQA Mobile.

Bango Analytics solves this problem by providing hard data – free from any vendor allegiance - about campaign results across different search marketing and advertising channels. Bango Analytics operates as a hosted service, allowing mobile website owners anywhere in the world to connect their sites to the Analytics service in minutes and use it free of charge.

Bango profiles millions of users browsing the mobile web across hundreds of networks world-wide. Using its unique identification technology, Bango Analytics records and presents detailed information on the overall patterns of traffic visiting a mobile site, right down to the behavior of individual users without revealing any personal data.

"It's not enough simply to measure how many visits you get to your mobile site; you need a deeper understanding of what those visitors are doing," said Bango CEO Ray Anderson. "Bango Analytics adds greater insight and clarity not available until now."

Bango Analytics overcomes the limitations of traditional web analytics by capturing mobile specific data about website visitors. Bango also makes it easy to add tags into the mobile site to identify traffic from advertising campaigns and search keywords. The data can be exported by the site owner and analyzed to determine the return on investment from each campaign.

Bango Analytics provides answers to the following questions:

  • How many unique visitors did I have to my mobile site today?
  • What phones are they using?
  • What networks in which countries do my visitors use?
  • Which content was the most popular?
  • Which search term gives the best results?
  • What's my total return on investment from a marketing campaign?

"Our research has shown that Google AdWords conversion tracking on mobile is flawed and gives advertisers inaccurate results for any Mobile AdWords campaigns," said Farhad Divecha, Managing Director of AccuraCast, a leading mobile search marketing agency.

Mobile needs a better, more innovative way to provide accurate conversion tracking for mobile ads, and Bango Analytics promises to do just that by understanding how the mobile user connects to the Internet."

Источник: FierceWireless

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22.10 7:05 Гамлет:
Я так понимаю, в последнем абзаце как раз вся соль и изложена ;)
26.12 16:27 BakinskiyAvtos:
Даа... Читаю и понимаю, что нифига не понимаю о чем речь:)
12.01 9:26 Глеб:
Народ в подобных случаях говорит - Беда деньгу родит.
3.12 1:37 мышкин:
Интересно стало, а есть кто-то, кто не согласен с автором ? :)
17.12 15:29 Алексей Александров:
Действительно, на самом деле все очень просто :)
11.03 18:07 Юрий:
Хм... Читаю и понимаю, что нифига не понимаю о чем речь:)
16.03 11:16 Алексей Рубин:
Пока до конца непонятно, что там происходит, но на 100% могу сказать, что не в лучшую сторону!
31.03 7:33 Петр Сычев:
Любое искусство, особенно не совсем традиционное, всегда вызывало ожесточенные споры. Думаю, оно просто имеет право на существование, вот и всё!
3.05 13:32 Ярослав Павлюченко:
Хех. Ну тогда я тоже :)
29.04 7:16 Аркадий:
Действительно прикольный блог! Спасибо и… разумеется, пишите еще!
5.05 9:29 Артур Конев:
Кстати подобное придумали где-то лет 10 назад , а то и больше.: