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У крупной веб-хостинговой компании украли 13,5 миллионов паролей

В сети разгорается скандал, связанный с хакерской атакой на крупную веб-хостинговую компанию 000webhost.

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30.10 12:32 000webhost 000webhost :
We have witnessed a database breach on our main server. A hacker used an exploit in old PHP version of the website gaining access to our systems, exposing more than 13.5 Million of our customers' personal records. The stolen data includes usernames, passwords, email addresses, IP addresses and names. We became aware of this issue on the 27th of October and since then our team started to troubleshoot and resolve this issue immediately. We are still working 24/7 in order to identify and eliminate all security flaws. Additionally, we are working on upgrading all of our systems. We will get back to providing the service to our users soon. At 000webhost our top priority is to provide free quality web hosting for everyone. The 000webhost community is a big family, exploring and using the possibilities of the internet together. For millions of people our services are an opportunity to be present on the internet and learn more about technology. At Hostinger and 000webhost we are committed to protect user information and our systems. We are sorry and sincerely apologize we didn't manage to live up to that. In an effort to protect our users we have temporarily blocked all access to systems affected by this security flaw. We will re-enable access to affected systems after an investigation and once all security issues have been resolved. Our user’s sites will stay online and will be fully functional during this investigation. We will fully cooperate with law enforcement authorities. At the same time our internal investigation has been started. We advise our customers to change their passwords and use different passwords for other services. Our other services such as Hosting24 and Hostinger are not affected by this security flaw and are fully secure and operational.