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AT&T Aims To Double Jobs In Slovakia

19 сентября 2007

U.S. telecommunications giant AT&T Inc. (T) said Tuesday it wants to almost double its workforce in Slovakia, as part of a planned $750 million investment to grow its networked information-technology services business around the world. AT&T, which is targeting higher revenue by providing connectivity and information-technology services to large businesses around the world, plans to increase its workforce to 1,000 people in Slovakia, after Tuesday opening up a new service center in the country's capital city, Bratislava.

The U.S. telecoms operator - which has recently won contracts with General Motors Corp. (GM) and hotel chain Global Hyatt - plans to recruit a further 350 employees in Slovakia by mid-2008, taking its investment to $12 million.
The new employees will carry out a number of functions, including service ordering and provisioning for AT&T's customers across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Despite facing strong competition from the U.K.'s BT Group PLC (BT), France Telecom's (FTE) Orange Business Services and Verizon Communication Inc.'s (VZ) Verizon Business unit, AT&T Vice President for Europe Tom Regent told Dow Jones Newswires that the company is strongly committed to growth in the region.
"There's very strong competition in this area, but we're pretty unique in terms of being a global virtual private network provider," Regent said.
AT&T has earmarked $750 million in capital investment this year to grow its global business unit. However, Regent declined to disclose revenue for the division nor say whether it planned to make acquisitions to boost its presence in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Источник: http://money.cnn.com/

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