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Golden Telecom signs Memorandum of Understanding with Sochi Administration

19 сентября 2007

Golden Telecom will work closely with Sochi’s Education and Science Department on this project

By signing the MoU, Golden Telecom will be taking part in the development of inter-city web resources, and on-line education including on-line libraries and telemedicine projects with videoconferencing capabilities. Such projects are aimed at expanding educational and social services for Sochi residents. Implementation of these projects will be the first step towards the creation of a complete city-wide e-service system..

This project is part of Golden Telecom’s successful business development in the region where Golden Telecom already operates networks in Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik and other cities. In Sochi, Golden Telecom offers long-distance services, corporate networks and Internet access through Sochi Telecom, a telecom operator established in 1999 and acquired by Golden Telecom in October 2005.

The Education and Science Department of Sochi has extensive experience in developing information projects from pilot implementation of advanced communication technologies to their day-to-day use for educational and managerial purposes.  Projects already implemented or being developed include those launched by the Federation of Internet Education, the Informatization Support Foundation and the National Personnel Training Foundation (the “Informatization of the Educational System” project). These projects confirm that the educational system in Sochi is ready for transition to the next level of informatization, which is expected to significantly improve the quality of education and life in the region.  

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